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Bohemians outplayed Kladno 2:1

At the game finish, played in a hart attacked style, Slezák broke Strahov curse and in a prolonged time buttoned up the win.

Bohemians outplayed Kladno 2:1

Bohemka started actively as a visiting team against Kladno and developed several chances during game opening , unfortunately without any gain. Even though some chances of Kladno followed, Bohemka left for change room with score of 1:0, after action of Martin Cseh who emerged in penalty area by himself and had no problem to place the goal, just before halftime.

Second halftime was evidently directed by Kladno and Bohemias hastily tagged guard was in troubles. Fortunately, Radek Sňozík had his day and sheltered all attempts until the 87th minute when Zachariáš broke in and with luck converted. It did not knock down Bohemka and in a prolonged time Slezák decided on Bohemka win.  Immediately,  Zelenka had a same chance  but he did not make it. It did not make any difference as ref Mojžíš in no time closed the game.

Bohemka after very long time gained 3 points in Strahov and on top of that leaved downward waters.